Sunday, November 1, 2015

Analysis of a Public Argument

The tone of the letter is very formal, this tone conveyed by formal word choice and language. The author chose to use a formal tone to show her respect for a government official.

the author uses the formal tone and the convention of writing directly to a person in the formal letter. The formal letter is an appropriate choice of genre for the author's argument because it allows her to convey her opinions to the governor herself.
Image result for jan brewer

She establishes her ethos at the beginning of the letter by saying that she is a freshman at the University of Arizona. This is not effective because an experienced government official is unlikely to listen to a college freshman on matter of policy.

Her claim is that cutting medicare is not the best solution to the state's budget problem and would hurt more people than it helped. She supports this claim by offering alternatives to the budget cuts that she believes would be more beneficial to the state than the current plan would be.

Her call to action is to prevent cuts to medicare. It is clear what she wants from the letter; everything in the letter relates back to her goal of preventing cuts to medicare.

I would have suggested she provide more concrete evidence to support each of her proposals to prevent cuts. I would also suggest that she spend more time explaining why the current plan is not the best plan available. Also, this letter could have benefited from statistics supporting her ideas.

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