Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Proposed Public Argument

When thinking about what topic to work on for this project, I decided that I did not want to do a technical paper about something in my field. I decided that I wanted to do something more informal because I've always liked writing and arguing informally better than writing formally, and I think I'm better at it. This led me to search for a topic, but I initially came up blank.
Image result for the big lebowski

 I thought if a possible topic Thursday night while watching The Big Lebowski before I went to bed. In the movie, "The Dude" and Walter are antagonized by a group of nihilists; I have always thought nihilism is a vastly underrated philosophy for living one's life. This gave me the idea to write an argument about how nihilism should be adopted and practiced by many people. I then thought about what medium would best this argument. After much thought, I decided that either a TED Talk or an opinion/editorial column would be the best medium to express this view. Both are mediums that allow an argument for something to be made in an informal way while still being an effective means of communicating an argument. Currently, I have not decided which one to use for my final project, and may not for a little while longer; I might draft both and choose which one I think is better. It'll really depend when I have a good idea or realize procrastination is no longer an option.

Change of plans, I will actually be writing a piece to be entitled, the Wrongful Death of the Overhand Curveball, which will detail why the overhand curve has fallen out of favor in major league baseball and then argue that should not have fallen out of favor and that it is the most effective pitch in baseball.

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