Sunday, November 1, 2015

Initial Thoughts about Audience for my Argument

There is no such thing as the general public because everyone has different tastes and interests, which means that no matter what subject you are writing about, there will always be people who cannot be persuaded or who did not care about your topic.
Image result for uncertainty

People who are not nihilists but are open to the idea of becoming one, or people who are interested in the different philosophies that people live by are likely to be interested in my topic and argument. Most people have at least heard of nihilism but many are unlikely to be familiar with what it really is and will have a limited understanding of it. Anyone who enjoys the informing themselves about issues using the medium I will use to make my argument could encounter it. People who believe that everything in life has meaning and that we should care about it might oppose my argument. My audience will need to understand what nihilism is in order to understand my argument.

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