Monday, December 7, 2015

Letter of Encouragement to Me

Dear future me,
Hello, if you couldn't tell from the title, this is past you. Now, if your reading this I assume that you need encouragement of some sort, so I'll give it a go, but no guarantees, we both know this isn't my strong suit, spades have always been our strong suit. Joking aside, not really, if you need encouragement, it means your probably stressed about school, that seems like the thing most likely to stress you. In which case, I will remind you that you we are a very intelligent person, so if you just buckle down and keep up with the work, you will be 100% fine. If in the likely case that you are stressed because you have 20 hours of work due in 2 hours, then drink some coffee, relax, prioritize and work faster than a Roman orchard slave, told you the jokes wouldn't stop, and you'll be relatively fine. If the situation is the homework equivalent of the Hindenburg, then I highly suggest bot caring, its work pretty well for us before, so why not try it again?
If your stressed/upset/losing confidence about something other than school, then I probably can't be of much help because, as I'm sure you know, I have no idea what twists and turns have happened in your life and even less idea which one you fell off of, though if I had to guess I'd say it probably involves one of your ideas that only you understand, take note of that warning future me, or that Skynet has taken over, in which case FIND JOHN CONNOR. But, if its not those things, just sit back, and read this letter, enjoy the jokes I have put in here, we like those, and get back on track. Remember the only thing standing in our way of ruling the world is ourselves......... and our current lack of a Deathstar.
hoping you can fix my future,
Past you.
 P.S. We are the not Delorean featured below in the past, this is just a picture that fits the time travel theme of this letter.
Image result for back to the future

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