Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

In ACS style

Cooper, A and Kurzer, P, Consumer Activism, EU Institutions and Global Markets: The Struggle over Biotech Foods. Journal of Public Policy [online] May, 2007, p. 103. JSTOR. (accessed Sep 3, 2015)

The article was written to examine and further the academic discussion about how the populace can over rule  large institutions if they band together and refuse to cooperate with the institution. The information was gathered by examining how EU decrees about GMOs were cancelled out by the actions of the European public. It concludes that in order for large institution's degrees to work, they have to have at least a moderate amount of public support. I can use this source to highlight the opposition to genetically modified foods.

DW. EU Passes Controversial GMO Food Law. (accessed Sep 1, 2015)

The article was written to inform the public about a new GMO law  that the EU passed. The article talks about a new law that allows European countries to expand their production of genetically modified crops. I can use this article to outline the controversy and set up context for the controversy.

Lappe, M, Tasting Technology: the Agricultural Revolution in Genetically Engineered Plants. Gastronomica [online] Winter, 2001, p. 25. JSTOR. (accessed Sep 3, 2015)

The article was written to discuss the differences in taste and possible health  dangers that some people claim are posed by genetically engineered crops. The article makes its point by citing other studies that were done in the past. It focuses on the potential dangers of using genetically engineered plants. I can use this article to showcase the side that claims GMOs are dangerous and should not be used.
Image result for gmo,_Ohio.jpg

Learning mind. The Recombinant DNA Controversy: where will Genetic Engineering Lead Us? (accessed Sep 1, 2015)

The article is written to point out the potential dangers of genetic engineering if it goes too far. the article states where genetic engineering is currently and where it could go from there. The article claims that genetically modified foods are just the tip of the iceberg for genetic engineering. I can use this article to highlight the fears of some members of the public or as a what if scenario.

The Motley Fool. Why a GMO-Free Chipotle Mexican Grill is Terrible News. ( Sep 3, 2015)

The article was written to point out how, by refusing to serve an genetically modified food, Chipotle could be hurting its future. The article uses current market prices and common financial wisdom to make its point. It states that the change will increase Chipotle's prices and possibly hurt its business. I can use this article to voice the argument of the pro-GMO side of the debate.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Questions and Answers on Food from Genetically Engineered Plants. (accessed Sep 3, 2015)
This article was written to answer questions people have about genetically modified foods. The article gets its point across by answering questions. It states that many of the fears about GMOs are unfounded. I can use this article to  examine how the pro-GMO side of the debate tries to allay the fears of the anti-GMO side.

Reflection: After reading Davis's and Dieter's annotated bibliography drafts, I came to realize that most, if not all, citation styles require the same basic information. All three of us, despite using different citation styles, had the same general format and most of differences were small stylistic variances; such as whether to use italics or regular font. This led me to ask why, if so may styles are so similar, one single type of citation hasn't been adapted to fit a wide variety of subjects; To me this seems like it would simplify the writing process without being detrimental to its integrity, and therefore, a good thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These citations look to be correctly formatted. I think it's good that you incorporated the link for each as additional information, as all of these sources come from the internet.
